About Us

Founded in March of 1983, Forty Winks Sleep Shop began business as strictly a waterbed retailer. Everyone knows that in the 1980's waterbeds sold like penny candy, and our business was no different.  Here is where the story gets interesting. All of us came from a background in furniture, so in 1986, Show Me Furniture came into being, and we expanded into full line home furnishings, conventional bedding and flooring. Still not willing to use every square foot of the huge building we were in, we leased a small piece of footage to a pool and spa retailer. (That's how we learned the hot tub business)

Fast forward to 1995, the waterbed business is in the tank, and looking for a way to replace that business, we recognized a common marriage in the industry of hot tubs and pool tables. (That's how we got into the billiard business)

January of 2001 brought us to a new location and a huge reduction in the product categories we offer. The biggest questions we had to ask ourselves was "what do we do best" and "what do we like to do". The answer proved to be Mattresses, Pool Tables, and Hot Tubs. (That's why we have such a funny product mix)

Retail Store located at 4013 S Limit Ave (US Hwy 65), Sedalia Mo 65301 Ph 660-826-2446 Fax 660-829-2206 Toll Free 888-454-2233 Text us at 660-596-2446

On the web at www.fortywinksonline.com  (but you already know that)